We're pleased to offer our customers FREE SHIPPING** on qualifying orders over $75 to help save you even more money!
For eligible orders, here's how easy it is to figure shipping:
Order subtotal over $75.00? FREE SHIPPING!
Order subtotal under $75.00? Choose from a variety of reasonably priced shipping options, including USPS Priority Mail, Ground, or Expedited options.
Need it faster? For any order subtotal, there are calculated options for ground or expedited / air shipping methods. We still urge customers to contact us prior to placing an order with expedited shipping -- after all, we don't want you to pay for something that you may not need!
That's easy AND saves you money!
**Details and conditions:
- Free shipping promotion valid for deliveries within the contiguous USA only. Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. territories, and international shipments are not eligible.
- For orders where FREE SHIPPING is chosen by the customer, we will select the carrier and method of our choice. Delivery can be up to two full weeks.
- Offer valid only for a single order (and shipment) to a single delivery address, and only to orders that are placed during this promotion. Past and/or future orders cannot be combined for free shipping.
- Eligibility is based on merchandise subtotal. Sales tax does not count toward the required $75.00 for the promotion.
- This offer may end at any time without advanced notice. Sorry, but we cannot issue rain checks on this offer.